Monday, 24 March 2014

My Nectar Ceremony

After my adventure I went to my Aims Ceremony. I was late! I quickly went to my chair and waited. The other person next to me said" You are so late that you're going to get a growling from your dad!" But when it was my turn to drink the nectar, I had to drink it and then all of a sudden the sky was as dark as the colour black. Then I felt a tingly feeling on my skin! All of a sudden the audience were as quiet as mice! Then I saw a panda next to me - I had summoned a panda! I wanted to run away but it was too cute. Then I saw a special person. The person said "You have summoned a spirit animal." I stood there quietly because I couldn't believe it! I tried to communicate with the panda with my mind. It communicated back to me!


  1. Your pic so amazingly cute!!!!

  2. Cute panda Destiny. it's very cute:)

  3. Jane Va'afusuaga16 April 2014 at 18:09

    Awesome writing Destiny! I especially like the simile you used "as quiet as mice."

  4. I love how you started your story : )

    1. Nice reply Shirley, thank you

  5. your panda looks very tired

  6. I love your story of the Nectar Ceremony
