Tuesday, 28 October 2014

If I was School Principal

I feel that, I would make a popular school principal and I can tell you all the reasons why.
Specifically, I will make free school breakfasts for all school students to help students learn. I’d ask all parents to please help organise and make a roster.

Secondly, I’d get a pool for school students to refresh up and learn to swim. We will do a garage sale to raise the money to build the pool.

Furthermore, I will separate the junior playground from the senior playground because seniors will push the juniors away. I will send out a notice to let all students know. Furthermore, I’d design a playground like Rainbows End and  I will do a fundraiser to get the money for activities and rides. This would make school students have exciting days and weeks.

As you can see, I’d make a wonderful principal for school students and make them have the dream of their life.



  1. Maqushio, we all loved reading your story this morning. We think that you would make a fun principal. From D5

  2. I like the park it looks fun
