Later on the time of quarrelling began. The birds started to get greedy and they were stealing food out of each others beaks. They were punching and scratching each other and taking more food than they needed, and making more of them to be stronger. Then a great blanket of darkness fell upon the sky and made it dark and stormy for the first time.
In the sky emerged the phoenix god Ka. He made the birds climb a tree on one side so he could punish them but Krickta the kea was climbing the other side and stole sharp claws, a sharp beak, and a beautiful birdsong. When Ka punished the birds he gave them perches, jobs, different features and a different birdsongs.
When all the birds were gone Krickta the kea flew up and Ka was furious with him and flew away. But Krickta the kea followed him and the sunlight stained the bottom of his wings. Ka banished the kea to the snowy mountains and he took away his birdsong so they could only screech. But the kea got to keep the beak and claws.