Friday, 28 February 2014

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me learn about searching for information?           

By Maqushio                                           

I Wonder

I wonder how the IPad can help me learn mathematics?

By Tihei. 

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me learn about problem solving?

By Khalil

I wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about new ideas?
By ubaid

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about new ideas?

By Rajpreet

I Wonder

I wonder how the Ipad can help me to learn about problem solving?

By Rohit


I wonder how the iPad can help me learn about creating art work?

By Nicole

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn mathematics?


I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about searching for information?
By Yash 

I Wonder

I wonder how an iPad can help me learn about kiwi kids news?

By Hayley

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me learn about creating art work?
By Shirley

I Wonder

I Wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about new ideas?

By Destiny

I wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about basic facts?

By Mathew

I wonder

I wonder how the iPad can  me to learn about basic facts?

By Ishika

I Wonder

I Wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about mathematics?

By Ofa

I Wonder

I Wonder how the iPad can help me to learn new information and ideas?

By Roman

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about science?

By Tanzeela

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about word study?
By Sharon

I Wonder

I wonder how can the iPad can help me to learn about mathematics?

By Letarzania

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad will help me to learn about doing basic facts?

By Elsie

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me to learn about art?
By Noelani

I Wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me learn about searching for information?By Tyra 

I wonder

I wonder how the iPad can help me learn about maths facts.

By Hayden

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Nga Tae

Here are the words of a beautiful waiata about colours . . . . .

Kahurangi the colour of the sky
Kakariki the colour of the grass
And there's Kowhai, the lovely kowhai tree
With its yellow flowers for us to see
Kahurangi, kakariki, kowhai, nga tae

Ma is white as the whitest, whitest snow
Whero red like the rata flower's glow
Mix them together and what do you think?
You get Mawhero, the colour we call pink.
Kahurangi, kakariki, kowhai, nga tae

Black is night time and pango is it's name
Brown is Uru, purauri means the same
Kiwikiwi is grey like rainy skies
Karaka orange like flames of distant fires
Kahurangi, kakariki, kowhai, nga tae

Practise the correct pronunciation of the Maori colour words.
Click on this link . . .